Moving Forward

Moving Forward

The joy of life is made up of obscure and seemingly mundane victories that gives us our own small satisfactions.
— Billy Joel

Dear Kids,

I see like most things, I haven’t been keeping up with the blog like I thought I would. To be honest, as I look back at what I’ve written, most of my deep thoughts and suggestions aren’t really clever or that original…a bit cliché and hackneyed to be honest. So, I’ve decided to take a different tack with the blog. It was a great idea, but I think I’ll leave the deep thoughts and meanings to the philosophers and sit-com writers.

Instead of trying to end each post with some profound witticism that I’m clearly not so good at coming up with, I’m going to try for a simpler approach. I’m going to do my best to just relate what’s happening in our lives. If there’s a great moral I want you to remember or that comes with the story, I’ll be happy to share it, but for now, I’m thinking just writing about our lives, whether that is exciting and crazy adventures or mundane and daily drudgery, I’ll try to chronicle as best I can.

It seems to me that even reminding you that we had our weekly homemade pizza and movie night where we watched Despicable Me 2 (4 stars) is as important as reminding you how we went whitewater rafting and got caught in the current and ended up going over Niagara Falls in an inflatable raft (remember that crazy time? Yea, neither do I…it didn’t really happen). As we get older, our memories fade and sometimes even cause us to remember things differently than they actually happened (look up Mandela Effect if you don’t believe me). It’s probably not so important that we rated the movie 4 stars, but if you forgot that we even rated movies after watching and this post reminds you of this seemingly trivial fact, that’s one more detail to help you keep a clear picture of the time we all spent together on the couch watching a movie (and hitting pause every 10 minutes…another fun fact about our movie nights…we still haven’t been able to watch a movie straight through).

It’s the details that make the story interesting. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep this blog as a diary of our lives so when you’re my age and your childhood is cloudy from distance, you can look back at the posts I’ve written over the years and remember what we did together. I’d prefer you remember we went out to eat and you had something besides mac & cheese than imparting my less-than-amazing words of wisdom on things I want you to never forget. I mean, seriously, right now, I think all you’ll remember is that your father used to regularly spew clichés and other drivel.

I make no promises that I’ll be able to keep up a daily post or even a weekly one, but I figure that whatever I do post here, you’ll be able to gauge what was really important to me that I wanted to share with you. I still like the idea of what I’m trying to do here, and I hope that I’ll be able to keep this blog up. Perhaps one or all of you will continue it and write for your children.

So, while I just said that I wouldn’t do this, I guess I will: in the end, , I think it’s important to remember the mundane as much as the exceptional moments in our lives together. We aren’t all meant to be famous adventurers or great writers, but we all should live rewarding lives with our own adventures that help shape us into the people we become. I hope this blog will be a map of sorts that you can follow, and it will show you where you came from and how you got to where you are today (the today you’re reading this, not the today I’m writing this).



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